Thought for Today


Proverbs regarding cleanliness, purity

  1. Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the sources of life.
    Remove perverse speech from your mouth; keep devious talk far from your lips.
    Let your eyes look directly in front of you and let your gaze look straight before you.
    Make the path for your feet level, so that all your ways may be established.
    Do not turn to the right or to the left; turn yourself away from evil.

    Prov. 4:23-27 (read whole chapter)

  2. Do not those who devise evil go astray? But those who plan good exhibit faithful covenant love.

    Prov. 14:22 (read whole chapter)

  3. The one who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious - the king will be his friend.

    Prov. 22:11 (read whole chapter)


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