Trestella Cross
Never heard of a Trestella Cross?
Tre comes from the Latin tredecim, which means 'thirteen', stella is Latin for 'star', and 'Trestella Cross' is just a name we've made up for the 13-pointed star and cross on this page. But we did not make up the meaning of this symbol.
The religious meaning of the cross is well understood. But what significance does the star have, and particularly a star with 13 points. Isn't 13 supposed to be unlucky?
Unlucky 13
Countless movies and novels have capitalised on the nightmarish nature of the number 13.
We all seem quite comfortable with 12. The zodiac is based on 12 constellations and we have 12 complete lunar months in the year; the 13th month being pathetically short in comparison, giving this poor number not only a lower class status but also something rather sinister.
Consider XIII, for example; the tarot card for Death. Friday 13th is feared in many cultures and the 13th room is often renumbered in hotel corridors (but it is still the 13th room).
Why? Nobody knows. And as Mr Rumsfield pointed out, the unknown is scary just because it is unknown.
Lucky 13
Any number which leaves a remainder when divided by 2 is called an 'odd number', and 13 is an example. Paradoxically, odd can sometimes be more balanced than even.
An asymmetrical pattern, such as the 13-pointed star shown above, happens to be an ideal engineering template for certain applications. For the wheelwright, an odd number of spokes mean the top and bottom of the wheel are not diametrically opposed.
Odd numbered fan blades, ball bearings, etc., are less likely to set up harmonics. Usually gear teeth have an odd number of teeth and jet engines minimize aerodynamically induced resonances by having a prime number of blades on discs, and a prime number of vanes on their corresponding stators.
Spinning away from engineering towards ancient mythology and more recent religions, the Norse god of mischief, Loki, invited himself to join twelve other gods for banquet in Valhalla, bringing the number of gods there to 13. Loki tricked the blind god Hodr into shooting an arrow into Balder, his brother. He was killed instantly, which was particularly unlucky for the world because Balder had been the god of light, joy and goodness.
The Bible tells us that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge on a Friday; Cain murdered his brother, Abel on a Friday; the Temple of Solomon was toppled on a Friday; and the Great Flood began on a Friday.
A banquet, thirteen and Friday, reminds us that the Last Supper initially comprised Jesus and 11 of his disciples before the infamous Judas Iscariot arrived, bringing the total to 13. And we know that supper was followed by the crucifixion on Friday.
Thirteen at the Last Supper
Popular culture likes to link the Last Supper with Unlucky 13, so we hesitate to spoil things by mentioning a few facts.

13-spoke wheel of the Council of Baptist Churches in North East India
(Click image to enlarge)

13-flute Compostelan Shell of the Methodist Church in Kenya
(Click image to enlarge)
But we will, anyway:
The Crucifixion was very much the opposite of unlucky
Since Jesus was crucified on a Friday, then the Last Supper was obviously before Friday.
The Last Supper is therefore commonly believed to be the day when Jesus celebrated his final Passover and now called Maundy Thursday. Some scholars convincingly argue that the Last Supper was on Tuesday.
Whether it was Thursday or Tuesday, it was not Friday. And it wasn't the 13th day of the month either. According to the Jewish Nisan, the Passover seder meal is on the 14th, meaning the Crucifixion was on the 15th or later, not the 13th.
The Last Supper wasn't even the last time Jesus would supper with his disciples; he promised he would eat with them again
And with apologies to Leonardo da Vinci, Jesus wasn't necessarily accompanied by only twelve guests.
Acts 1:15-26 says that Judas "fell by transgression ... from this ministry and apostleship". The office of apostleship was filled by both Matthias and Paul. There were still twelve apostles figuratively but thirteen literally.
Similarly with the initial twelve tribes of Israel. Later, the tribe belonging to Joseph was split into two tribes and named after Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Mansseh. So there were physically thirteen tribes but still referred to figuratively as the "Twelve Tribes".
Jesus crowned the twelve apostles to the twelve thrones of the twelve tribes of Israel. This again is figurative; the apostles were to look after all nations in all the earth.
The Bible has several references to suggest that 13 is a favourable number, and no references to suggest it's unlucky.
In Judaism also, the Torah considers 13 favourably with God's 13 Attributes of Mercy, which are referred to by the circles in the Kabbalistic Metatron's Cube.
Connection with the Last Supper truly busted.
Trestella Cross
The thirteen points on the star of the Trestella Cross remind us of the "Not The Last Supper". It reminds us of the future meal promised by the exalted Christ in his heavenly kingdom.
"There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don't know." said Donald Rumsfeld (1932-2021) at a Defense Department Briefing on 12 February 2002, trying to convince the world of the necessity to invade Iraq. One thing Rumsfeld didn't know was how to correctly pronounce "Iraq", yet he believed he knew enough about the country to change it.
Luke 22:15-18
Gen. 48:1-6, 21-22. The thirteen tribes are also referred to at the annual Jewish feast of Tabernacles Num. 29:12-13.
Matt. 19:27-28
The Essenes, a Jewish sect of Jesus’ time, followed a 364-day solar calendar, with the festivals always occurring on the same day of the week, observing the Passover on Tuesday night.
Remember also that after the Last Supper, Jesus was arrested, brought before Annas (John 18:13, 19–23); before Caiaphas (John 18:24); before the Sanhedrin (Luke 22:66–71); before Herod (Luke 23:6–11); and before Pilate (John 18:28–40). It seems most unlikely all that could have taken place between Thursday night and 9 a.m. (Mark 15:25) the next day.