Scientology Cross

Perhaps the only similarity is that some Christian Crosses also have eight arms (for example, the Baptismal Cross). In many religions, eight symbolizes a new beginning.
Like the Unificationists (Moonies), Raelians, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc., we have very little to add to what has already been written about the Church of Scientology.
Instead, we focus briefly on one of their many symbols, the Scientology Cross, with its four rays between four blobs, which the Scientogolists curiously refer to as "points".
According to the Church's website, the "Scientology cross is an eight-pointed cross which represents the eight parts or dynamics of life. The Scientology cross, which was first conceived in 1954, symbolizes the ability to live happily across all eight dynamics."
The eight 'dynamics' being:
- survival as an individual
- survival through procreation
- survival for the group
- survival of the species of mankind
- survival of other organisms
- survival of the physical universe (matter, energy, space and time, known as MEST)
- survival of spiritual beings
- survival of infinity, the Supreme Being
For the first five 'points', few would dispute that a desire for self-preservation is part of human nature, and we know that we have a better chance of survival as a group. Sadly, whilst we do have human power to change some of these things, we fail miserably. To our personal detriment, we eat too much and don't exercise enough. Against others we are selfish; we deprive the poor of food and engage in war. And against the environment, we think little about clearing a forest to make a golf course.
So what chance do we mere humans have at ensuring the survival of the latter three 'points'; the physical universe, spiritual beings, and (most audaciously) the Supreme Being? Ensuring such survival is a nice idea, but unfortunately it seems unlikely that we have the required supernatural powers.
To make any sense of this, we must realise that Scientologists believe that each of us is an immortal being (Thetan) from another world but currently trapped by MEST. To get out of this predicament we must go through a lengthy auditing process for release from memories of past painful events (engrams). Once these are removed, we regain control of MEST and are saved. It's expensive, of course, but those who regain control of their MEST feel it's good value.
Rather than this do-it-yourself salvation, Christianity teaches that we are incapable of saving ourselves; that evil is just too powerfully bad for us to reject. No matter how much 'auditing' we do (Alpha courses, charitable giving, etc.), we just cannot rid ourselves of sin. Fortunately, however, there is a very simple way to real salvation. It's not a lengthy process, and it's free. (See the Meaning of the Cross)
The Church of Scientology has never claimed to be a religion promoting the replacement of evil with love. The Christian and Scientology agendas, like their crosses, are worlds apart.
One reason is possibly because there are seven days in a week, the eighth day is the start of a new week. The Hebrew bible relates how Noah was the eighth person to leave the ark and start a new life (2 Pet. 2:5), and circumcision, a symbol of new life, should be performed on the eighth day (Gen. 17:12). In the very first sermon given by Jesus, he gives us eight 'beatitudes' (Matt. 5:3-11) and it is these eight which lead to new life, walking in the way that God desires. Other numbers appear in the bible much more frequently than the number eight, but if you want to attach a number to the concept of regeneration, then eight is historically the favoured number.
For example,
The pedantic may have noticed there is difference between a "rounded blob" and a "point", but it's plain for everyone to see there is a deeper, fundamental difference between "living happily" and "survival".