IHS Cross

In 1541, St. Ignatius of Loyola adopted IHS as his seal as General of the military Society of Jesus. It is still central to the emblem (shown on the right) of this Roman Catholic Jesuit order (see also Sun Cross).
In 1541, St. Ignatius of Loyola adopted IHS as his seal as General of the military Society of Jesus. It is still central to the emblem (shown on the right) of this Roman Catholic Jesuit order (see also Sun Cross).
There are several meanings of the letters 'IHS', the most popular explanation being an acronym of the Latin: Iesus Hominum Salvator, which in English translates to "Jesus, Saviour of man".
Christians do not dispute that Jesus Christ is indeed the Saviour of mankind, but there are different interpretations for what the letter IHS represent.
These include acronyms not only in Latin, but also in German and English:
However, the most likely meaning is simply the first three letters of 'Jesus' in Greek: ΙΗΣΟΥΣ. The first two characters, iota (Ι) and eta (Η), are almost identical in appearance to the Latin 'IH'. Since there is no Latin character for the third character sigma (Σ), the pronunciation gives us a close approximation to the Latin 'S', giving us the set 'IHS'.
Another transliteration of the sigma (Σ) is 'C', giving us an alternative set 'IHC'. In addition, although there is no 'J' in the Greek alphabet, the first letter is sometimes changed from 'I' to 'J', giving us 'JHS' or 'JHC'. (This latter is thought to have led to the irreverent expletive 'Jesus H. Christ'.)
The letter 'H' can also be seen as a single-runged ladder, symbolising one must take the step of salvation to ascend to heaven (see Ladder Cross.)
The IHS symbol became popular in the Middle Ages, just as the Chi Rho monogram did in Constantine's reign.
The three letters are often shown overlapping, as seen on these gravestones. The left-most photo was taken at Indian Head, Saskatchewan, Canada, and the centre one at Bellingen Cemetery, NSW, Australia, with a close-up of its IHS on the right.
Canada, Australia and about 30 other countries share the same dollar symbol for their currency. And if you thought the IHS symbol looked similar, well there is indeed a connection with the $ symbol. But where the "S" in the IHS symbol is from sigma (Σ), the "S" in the dollar symbol is from a serpent. See Serpent Cross for more about this.
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