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The Liturgy of the Word

From the Book of Divine Worship - The Proper: First Part - The Great Vigil of Easter - The Service of Lessons

The Celebrant may introduce the Scripture readings in these or similar words:

Let us hear the record of God's saving deeds in history, how he saved his people in ages past; and let us pray that our God will bring each of us to the fullness of redemption.

At least two of the following Lessons are read, of which one is always the Lesson from Exodus. After each Lesson, the Psalm or Canticle listed, or some other psalm, canticle, or hymn may be sung. A period of silence may be kept; and the Collect provided, or some other suitable Collect, may be said. (The Collects may be sung to a monotone or sung to either of the Collect Tones.)


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