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Third Sunday of Advent

From the Book of Divine Worship - The Proper: First Part - Advent


I. Stir up thy power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let thy bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be honor and glory, world without end. Amen.

II. Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, may the gifts we offer in faith and love be a continual sacrifice in your honor and truly become our eucharist and our salvation. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Preface 4 - Advent

Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of this week are the traditional winter Ember Days.

Propers for Embertide begin here.


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